      - DI6
      - FU3F
      - HPN1
      - HPNC
      - IDN
      - IMT
      - OMD-E
      - SEN8
      - SK
      - TR6
      - WSH
Alarm overview
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SENSECOM-DI6 Remote transmission 1-6 digi inputs

SENSECOM-FU3F Remote monitoring of 3-phases fuses status with detection power state at fuses ends

SENSECOM-HPN1 - Remote reading of VW gauge

SENSECOM-HPNC - Remote reading of 1-8 VW gauges

SENSECOM-IDN Remote transmission of reading of RFID cards

SENSECOM-IMT - Remote impulse reading

SENSECOM-OMD-E Remote read-out of utility Meters with optical interface (IEC62056-21) - ČEZ Distribuce mode

SENSECOM-SEN8 Remote monitoring of electronic seal status (8-circuits type)

SENSECOM-SK Remote crack detection (glass slide breakage)

SENSECOM-TR6 Remote transmission from 1-6 thermistors

SENSECOM-WSH Repeater/Gateway for SENSECOM devices